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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why I do what I do...About Me

What do you need to know about me?  I'm 38, Married with three beautiful kids, ages 11, 16 & 17. We have two fabulous dogs named Gabbi & Layla.  I am blessed with a life full of friends and family that keep me busy, but my heart is full.  A life that busy & full can lead to a little bit of stress.. and stress is something you have to cut out of your life as much as possible, or find a way to handle it.
What is there to say? I bake cakes!  I work in a very stressful job where I am constantly interfacing with people on a daily basis.  They complain, they ask for favors, they ask for MORE... I'm in sales.. so when I want to touch my creative side, work on my good mood and bake something for my family to help me apologize for an entire week of grumpy mom and wife.... I bake.

But it's not just about baking.. it's also about being CREATIVE!  I can't make a canvas come to life.  I can't make clay, pottery, or arts and crafts take the proper shape... but I can make a cake do just about anything. It's the perfect medium for me.. flour, sugar, eggs, vanilla and then butter cream icing and fondant.  I can stir, bake, and create fantastic things... and enjoy every peaceful minute of the hard work.

So I decided to exorcise my work demons by making delectable, delicious, fantastic concoctions that move me to a happy place... and conquer my sweet tooth.  Come see what my stress relief can do for others :)

My friends call me the Cake Goddess... I'll let you decide for yourselves if the "shoe fits". 

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